Space Management
Optimize space across your entire portfolio to maximize usage and enable your workforce. Streamline moves and ensure everyone is where they need to be.

- Get ahead of needs and risks
- Streamline individual and group moves
- Benchmark spaces to optimize performance
- Increase capacity with dynamic team space
- Enhance accountability with chargebacks
Included in Space Management Module
Space Inventory
Centralize and sort your space inventory into an AutoCAD integrated system with deep data.
Personnel & Occupancy
Optimize occupancy by allocating space to individuals, and groups across sites. Increase capacity with shared Team Space.

Enterprise Move Management
Coordinate moves for groups and individuals. Centralize requests and see moves through to completion.

Space Inventory
Knowing how much space an entity has, and how efficiently it is being used, is essential for managing the organization’s Total Cost of Occupancy.
To expedite self-service access to space inventory and usage reports for decision support, Archibus Space Inventory provides an integrated Web-based solution for viewing and managing an organization’s different types of space (such as departmental boundaries/rooms/common areas, vertical penetrations, service areas, and more) to ensure optimal space allocation.
With this application, managers can plan for greater space efficiency by co-locating departments and identifying opportunities for consolidation.
Space Inventory
- Deliver flexible, self-service reporting for effective space allocation and cost control
- Improve evaluation of building performance and enables accurate benchmarking
- Enhance design/planning capabilities to use space more efficiently
- Support business results with Archibus Quick-Start, a productivity aid which includes tutorial videos and “How To” instructions
- Increase productivity with Archibus All-in-One Home Page with quick access to 80% of tasks
- Provide immediate, accurate reporting of occupancy statistics for space usage and re-balancing purposes
- Improve forecasting accuracy for future needs based on current room availability and planned occupancy growth
- Simplify assignment of employees to temporary or permanent available space using highlighted drawings
- Communicate occupancy information easily through personalized, intuitive Web-based forms, summary tables, and reports
- Support business results with Archibus Quick-Start, a productivity aid which includes tutorial videos and “How-To” instructions
- Increase productivity with Archibus All-in-One Home Page with quick access to 80% of most common tasks

When department managers are internally billed for their use of space, they are more apt to reduce inefficient space usage.
That inefficient use of space, when eliminated across multiple departments, can produce not only significant reductions in the space itself, but also in the associated occupancy costs such as utilities, housekeeping, taxes, and more.
Web-based Archibus Space Chargeback provides tools for setting up, calculating, and reporting on the costs for space.
The result is improved space efficiency and reduced occupancy costs throughout the entire organization as well as distributed sharing of space information that supports more informed long-term planning and decisionmaking.
Space Inventory
- Improve accuracy of departmental cost reporting for greater accountability on dedicated and common area space costs
- Assure more accurate planning based on current space costs and planned future growth projections that improve critical decisions on consolidations, moves, and acquisitions
- Satisfy flexible reporting needs with easy-to-use Web-based features and forms to modify out-of the-box reports
Enterprise Move Management

From simple, single-person moves to multi-phased moves integrated with construction, Archibus Moves streamlines the move/add/change process to ensure successful relocations with minimal organizational disruption.
The application reduces the complexity, risk, time, cost, and downtime associated with moves by organizing all move orders and associated information into a central repository.
With easy Web access to views displaying tasks, status changes, and milestones, move project participants can collaborate effectively to reduce duplicate effort and minimize move costs.
Space Inventory
- Streamline the entire move process, including requests, approvals, updates, and related action items to reduce overall costs and optimize churn rates
- Increase customer satisfaction by reducing downtime and minimizing move errors
- Improve communication, coordination, and collaboration between in-house and external resources with rules-based workflow processes
- Generates trial layouts, move analytics, and intelligent dashboards which help enable continuous process improvement
- Integrate rapidly with existing Human Resources and Financial systems enabling the timely distribution of updated personnel and cost center information